Masonic Emblem
About Masonry
Lodge History
Schedule of Lodge Meetings

Austin Lodge #12 meets every Monday for Degree work at 6:30PM.                              

Meal starts at 5:30

Stated meeting are on the third Monday of every month at 7:30PM.
Meal starts at 6:30
For the latest, most up-to-date information on what is scheduled to occur at the lodge, please call 454-8009. The answering machine message is updated every Monday evening.

We invite all interested brethren to attend our floor work and degree work sessions!

Remember, all stated meetings are Family Night! We hope you will all bring a dessert for everyone to share!

Grand Lodge of Texas

Austin Lodge #12 A. F. & A. M.                        

207 West 18th Street, Austin, Texas 78701-1308


E-mail : Webmaster James McKissick

Updated August 30, 2003
Created November 3, 1997.